What are Ese coffee tablets?
ESE Coffee Pods is an organic coffee package made from 7 grams of compressed coffee placed in permeable food paper.

ESE stands for Easy Serve Espresso. (It’s easy to remember, isn’t it?) It emulates a coffee disc from a regular coffee group head that has been folded, and the only difference is the paper that filters out the dirt.

ESE tablets have been available in Europe for many years and are relatively new in Lithuania. Our Lucaffe goal is to provide the quality of Italian artisan coffee in the convenient form of an ESE Coffee pod.

You can also use these tablets with Delongi coffee machines

Showing all 7 results

Coffee tablets Lucaffé Classic, 150 cialda

The Lucaffè blend has a delicate and sweet taste, an unmistakable chocolate aroma and a bouquet reminiscent of fresh memories.

Lucaffé BLUCAFFE – Jamaica Blue Mountain cialda


Lucaffe ESE tablets BLUCAFFE - Jamaica Blue Mountain

High class coffee Blucaffe is a truly luxurious coffee, you can't complain anywhere. Insanely beautiful cream. TOP !!

Set of 150 tablets

Lucaffé Colombia tablets


Lucaffé Colombia tablets

The taste is soft and prone to hints of chocolate. Its average body, extraordinary smell and strong acidity are typical of Central America

Lucaffé Exquisit, 150 cialda


Lucaffé Exquisit tablets

90% Arabica beans, 10% Robusta beans. A great combination of taste and aroma.

Set of 150 tablets

Lucaffé Mamma Lucia cialda


Lucaffé Mamma Lucia tablets

A good day starts with the coffee

Set of 150 tablets

Lucaffé Mr.Exclusive – 100% Arabica 150 cialda


Lucaffé Mr.Exclusive - 100% Arabica tablets

100% Arabica beans. A blend of Arabica from South America, Asia and Africa. Very sweet taste, full body, optimal cream, pleasant aroma.

Set of 150 tablets

Lucaffé Pulcinella cialda


Lucaffé Pulcinella tablets

The first Italian energy coffee. With added caffeine, but still with a silky and soft taste, slightly prone to chocolate.

Set of 150 tablets