When is personal information collected?

Your personal information is collected when you order goods at Lucaffe e-mail. in-store and by submitting requests for additional information about products, orders, their processing, etc. Also, by subscribing to our newsletters.

For what purpose is personal information collected?

All personal information you provide is used to:
a) to provide order information (to inform when, where and how your order will be delivered);
b) to ensure the sending of messages necessary for the provision of our services;
(c) to respond to enquiries about goods or other questions;
d) To send news related to the trademarks managed by UAB MiaItalia.

What personal information is collected?

The information collected is necessary for the execution of orders and direct marketing actions:
a) Customer’s details (name, surname, company name, etc.);
(b) Delivery details;
c) Contact details (e-mail, telephone number).

How is personal information supervised?

All personal and payment-related information is collected and handled securely (provided by SSL). Secure Socket Layer certificate), by default and is confidential. We undertake not to disclose your (and other clients’) personal information to third parties (this obligation does not apply in the cases provided for in the legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania). You can always contact us to find out what kind of personal information we store about you and adjust or delete it.

How long is the data stored?

Unless otherwise stated, we will store your data:

  • In accordance with the legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania, data and invoices related to orders are stored for 10 years from the moment the order is made;
  • Login session information is stored for 30 days from the moment it is recorded;
  • All other personal data specified in this data protection policy – until your account is deleted or your refusal to provide us with this data.

When and what marketing letters will be sent?

You can subscribe to our e-newsletter with marketing information and special offers for its recipients. By subscribing to the newsletter, you give permission to manage your email. a mailing address so that we can send you these emails. You will only receive marketing emails if you have given permission to do so.
You can revoke your permission to continue receiving marketing emails at any time by clicking “stop receiving these newsletters” in any email or by informing us via your general email. Post.

Will the data be transferred to third parties?

UAB “Mia italia” is obliged by law to provide data to state or supervisory authorities when it is necessary in order to avoid risks to society and to prosecute crimes.
Your data may be transferred to third parties when it is necessary to ensure our services or functions (e.g. your address is transferred to the courier for the delivery of the goods). We ensure that these parties undertake to process this data responsibly and in accordance with applicable legislation.
In all other cases, your data will only be transferred to third parties if you have given your permission or granted them access.

What cookies (sic) are available? cookies ) will/are in use?

The cookies used on our website are necessary for the functionality and operation of our website. These cookies allow you to successfully purchase a product or use an electronic payment system. Most of these cookies are deleted from your device at the end of your browser session. We use the information stored in the necessary cookies only to provide the services and features we request.
The first time you enter our website, we ask for consent to send additional cookies to your device. These cookies can be discarded, but they help us to:

  • Identify how many visitors visit our website, what their behavior is, what pages of the site are visited. This helps us to improve the performance of our website and better adapt it to the needs of our users.
  • Identify when you re-visit our website.